About Birders Journal
From 1991 to 2004 Birders Journal was the one and only trans-Canada birding magazine, and as such it has never been replaced. It was an energetic, wide-ranging publication, with input from every one of the provinces and territories, providing detailed sightings for the popular “Cross Canada Round-Up”. Contributors and subscribers came from everywhere in Canada, from most of the U.S., Britain, Scandinavia, Iceland, Europe and Hong Kong. In November 2000, Birders Journal hosted the first ever North American Gull Conference in Niagara Falls, Ontario — hugely successful, it attracted speakers and birders from all over Canada, the United States and Europe.
Probably the greatest strength of the magazine was in its excellent feature articles, commissioned from the most knowledgeable and respected birders of the day. We have had countless requests over the fallow years for many of these largely timeless ID articles together with the numerous well-researched and superbly illustrated notes on distribution, migration, taxonomy, and a host of other articles. Putting all of Birders Journal online is beyond our available time and inclination, so we have decided to republish on our website “the best of the best” of these articles. They will appear in a free downloadable pdf. format, for personal use only.
New articles will be added to the Birders Journal website www.birdersjournal.ca on a frequent basis. We hope you enjoy this initial selection and look forward to your comments via email
Phill Holder: [email protected] Margaret Bain: [email protected]