Birders Journal Articles
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Southern Albatrosses In North American Waters
by Steven G. Mlodinow
Identification of female Cassins’s and Purple Finches
by Alvaro Jaramillo and David Beadle
Identification of Yellow-bellied and “Western” Flycatchers
by Matt Heindel and Peter Pyle
Field Identification of Archilochus Hummingbirds
by Steve N. G. Howell
Baird’s Sparrow – Migration, Vagrancy, and Identification
by Jon L. Dunn
A Hybrid Sandpiper in Newfoundland
by Bruce Mactavish and Ken Knowles
Labrador’s Common Snipe – A review of Canada’s only record of Common Snipe
by Matt Holder and Jeremiah Trimble
The Identification and Migration of Breeding Plumaged Dowitchers in Southern Ontario
by Alvaro Jaramillo, Ron Pittaway and Peter Burke